
Getting back to work after parental leave is not easy for many mothers and fathers. The time at home with the baby went by much faster than expected and now a new phase of life is beginning again: a career with a child. We have put together 6 tips to make it easier for you to return to work after parental leave.

1. Plan your return to work in advance

Even during pregnancy, think about how long you would like to stay at home with your offspring and discuss your plans with the HR department or directly with your boss. For the time being, this gives both sides planning security. Parents often want to get back on track part-time first. If you would like that, you should let us know as early as possible so that you can discuss together which tasks have to be given to someone else. You must submit your application for parental leave in writing. That is enough informally on a piece of paper.

2. Further, training during parental leave?

Have you wanted to improve your qualifications for a long time? Then parental leave might be the right time. You could use the time your baby spends sleeping during the day to educate yourself. This also has the positive side effect that many parents, who otherwise complain about the feeling that they no longer have time for themselves, have a clear goal in mind and are more balanced. At best, the advanced training will help you to get back to work after parental leave.

Frau macht Fortbildung während Elternzeit

3. Maintain your contacts during parental leave

Don’t lock yourself into your world. If you stay connected to colleagues and the company, you will continue to know what’s new or hear the latest gossip. This brings you distraction from everyday baby life and your colleagues continue to see you as a team member. Avoid talking exclusively about baby issues and continue to be interested in the everyday work of your colleagues.

4. Acclimatization in kindergarten before returning from parental leave

Start getting your little one used to the KiTa in good time. For some children this can take up to several weeks. So that you and your child do not put yourself and your child under unnecessary pressure, you should find a place in good time so that the acclimatization phase can begin on your desired date. If you know that your child is well looked after in loving hands, you can start the first day of work after the long break with confidence.

5. Prepare and clarify an emergency plan

For the time being, think together with your partner what will happen if your child gets sick. Each of you is legally entitled to 10 days per calendar year that you can stay at home with the sick child – single parents are accordingly entitled to 20 days. However, small children get sick more often – and like to suddenly. Clarify what happens when your sick days with a child are used up. Does your employer give you unpaid leave? Or can you work from home? Let the KiTa know who should be called in an emergency. If grandma and grandpa are around and are already retired, they may be able to look after the little ones in the event of illness.

6. The first working day after parental leave

It’s natural to be excited on the first day. See it pragmatically. You have already done the job and already know your colleagues. At most, they are a little rusty. Ask your colleagues to be patient and to familiarize them with you and explain innovations. Nobody will expect you to start exactly where you left off before your parental leave. Don’t forget that by now you are a master of multitasking. Incidentally, you are not entitled to your job that you held before parental leave. However, you are entitled to an equivalent job – including a management position if you held one – and the same salary.

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